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Camp Mennoscah’s M&M Project Update: Over $100,000 Raised!


November 08, 2023

As you all know, Camp Mennoscah was offered a gift of $100,000 last spring. The M&M Project, which stands for Mission and Maintenance, was created to honor this anonymous gift by matching it. We have discovered that we can’t do the mission Camp sets out to do without the time, effort, and finances that it takes to maintain the campus. 

We knew people would want to be in on this opportunity to continue our Mission at Camp - to be a place where all can renew themselves, their relationships, and their connection with God through Jesus Christ. And we did it! You’ve given more than $100,000 specifically to the M&M Project since April!

And we know it isn’t over yet!  We asked churches who are supporters of Camp Mennoscah to put together a fundraising event that would specifically benefit the M&M Project. We know there are churches that are still doing special fundraising events with the proceeds going to M&M. It was overwhelming to see how many churches have given not only their normal yearly support offerings to Camp, but have also held special offerings just for the M&M project.

And we know there are “Fire Keepers” - our individuals and small groups that gave or promised to give $1000 who are finishing their pledges. More than half of the money given to the M&M project was given by these generous people who know the value of Camp Mennoscah and its ministry and who want to be a part of what God is doing at Camp.

So, what’s next? That’s a good question!  One thing is for sure:  We don’t want to stop the ball now that it is rolling! 

Even though our goal has been met for this project, Camp is still in need of money for maintenance of our buildings and grounds. It isn’t that we need new buildings or other structures at Camp - but we need to repair and perhaps better maintain the ones we have. We need to make sure we have the facilities working well so we can continue to do the mission that God has put in our trust: to be a place where people of all ages come to renew themselves, their relationships, and their connection with God.

Here’s some ideas for the last two months of 2023:

  • Please be sure to finish your M&M pledge, if you haven’t yet.
  • Consider giving to Camp Mennoscah and/or the M&M Project on Giving Tuesday - this year on November 28 - or as part of your end-of-the-year giving. It’s not that we aren’t thankful for all you’ve done - but there is a lot to be done at  Camp, and we already know that God has touched your heart and called you to be part of Camp’s mission. Let’s not just finish the M&M Project strong - let’s finish the year strong!
  • And who knows? Maybe - just maybe - someone may step up to match what we’ve contributed over and above our goal.  Maybe that someone is someone you know. Maybe that someone is you!
  • Finally, now is the time to start thinking about and praying about what your giving to Camp Mennoscah might look like for 2024. In December, Camp Mennoscah will be presenting some new giving options and opportunities for your consideration – and early 2024 will bring information about our 75th Anniversary Fund Drive! Watch the Camp Mennoscah website for more details and information as it is made available.

We would love to answer any questions you may have about end-of-the-year giving, and we are looking forward to moving into the next 75 years of Camp Mennoscah and what God has for us to do, together. 

Thank you for being a part of Camp Mennoscah! There is still so much ahead!


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