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New Board Members Elected

Peter Voth and Sarah Booth Join the Board of Directors

September 25, 2023

During the Annual Meeting of the Camp Mennoscah  Association, held on September 24 as a part of the 75 Anniversary Celebration Kick-Off, two new Camp Board members were elected to serve.

Peter Voth and Sarah Booth will each join the Board for a three year term.

Peter is a teacher in the Manhattan area. He grew up attending Alexanderwohl Mennonite Church and still calls Alexanderwohl his home church. Peter when to Camp as a camper and has served as a counselor, working under many program directors, for many years. This last summer, Peter counseled at five of the eight weeks of the Mennoscah's camping season. Peter's commitment to Camp is obvious, and the strength he brings to the Board because of his experience as a teacher will be valuable to Camp leadership.

Sarah Booth hails from Assaira, KS, and makes her living as part of a professional photography business.  A Tabor church member, Sarah has been a part of Camp as a camper, a counselor, and as part of the summer staff for three camping seasons. Her extensive experiences with all things Camp means she brings valuable gifts and knowledge to the Board.  

The Board welcome Peter and Sarah and the experience and enthusiasm they bring to leadership!

The photo accompanying this article shows in detail some of the ballots cast unanimously for Peter and Sarah, including one suggesting that they should also be named Prom King and Queen. Probably not gonna happen, but smiley faces for sure for the election results!

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