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M&M Project Update: Over the Halfway Point!

Tammy Duvanel Unruh

August 14, 2023

The money continues to come in for Camp Mennoscah’s M&M Project! Thanks to all of these faithful supporters for giving to this effort!

As of this writing, Camp Mennoscah has received more than $56,000 toward our goal! That means we are over halfway to the $100,000 our donor is offering to match!

Now is the time to join the effort. If you haven't taken any action yet, we are sure you will want to be in on this opportunity to continue our Mission at Camp - to be a place where all can renew themselves, their relationships, and their connection with God through Jesus Christ.

M&M Project Fundraising Events

Hope Mennonite in Wichita

From their website: “Hope Mennonite Church is delighted to invite you to an evening of fun and inspiring music Sunday, August 27 at 6:30 p.m. You will be entertained by the lead vocalists of Everyday Lights, Paul Austin and Jennifer (Hope) Chlumsky from Salina, KS. They combine a variety of musical styles including folk, bluegrass, jazz, country, and traditional hymns. Many of their songs are original. The band recently performed at the Smokey Hill River Festival in Salina, The Farm in Minneapolis, KS and various private parties.

As you listen to the concert, a dessert and snack bar with sweet and salty snacks will be available.

No tickets are necessary but a free-will donation will be gladly accepted with the proceeds going to Camp Mennoscah.

Paul is Director of Worship Ministries at the First Covenant Church in Salina.  He is married to Kandi and they have 4 awesome, talented children. Jennifer is the choir director at First Covenant. She also happens to be married to Christopher, (a former Hope Mennonite member) a mother to 4 amazing children, a music educator, and a Tabor College Grad.

You can preview their music at https://www.everydaylightsmusic.com/ or facebook.com/everydaylights, iTunes, Spotify, and Soundcloud.

Please share this opportunity with your friends and family!”

Recent Events

On Saturday, August 5, to celebrate the end of the 2023 camping season, Hope Mennonite Church in Wichita hosted the Camp Mennoscah Camp Sing!  Camp Sing is an event that allows campers and staffers one last time to sing and worship together, and spend some time reminiscing and fellowshipping before school begins. Approximately 80 people attended and the program for the event was put together by the Summer Staffers as their last “Hurrah!” for their time together. The Summer Staff put together the program for the afternoon, and a Cuppa Hope, Hope’s Coffee ministry, donated coffee-type drinks. An offering of over $1300 was taken for the M&M Project, an amount that included a generous gift from a fire keeper.

Several churches have recently taken up special offerings to go to the M&M Project, and other churches are planning events for the Fall. We will keep you updated on our Facebook page and on our website. In fact, Camp and and will help churches with events by providing help in planning and ideas, helping with advertising and announcements to get the word out, and providing any programing and presentations about camp that a church might desire to have as part of their fundraiser. Don’t be afraid to ask!

Fire Keepers

The M&M Project is also being funded through monthly pledges. Next month’s Update will include a list of Fire Keepers who have completed their pledges. We’d love for your name or your group’s name to be on that list - so not only we at Camp can ask that you and your gift be blessed, but others can as well!  


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