Camp Report: Junior 2, July 16-21
July 21, 2023
Junior Camp 2, the second week for this age group, took place July 16-21, at Camp Mennoscah. Junior aged campers are entering grades 6&7 this fall. Under the leadership of Kevin Neufeld, Justin Beth, and Emilie Doerksen, Program Leaders for the week, 52 campers had a great week on the river!
Janet McGillivary and Allen Jantz provided input for the week, and, like many of the camps this summer, the theme centered around the Fruit of the Spirit. Janet said she liked to teach on the theme and found it something the campers could relate to.
Although parts of the week were hot and humid, the campers enjoyed themselves and the activities at Mennoscah. Ezra, a camper from Wichita, said he liked the pool the best at Camp, and Hadleigh, a camper from Newton said she enjoyed swimming and also carpet ball. Kamille from Salina said she liked riverplay best. Vinnie, another Wichitan, enjoyed the counselor hunt, and Max from Newton enjoyed, generally, the recreation times. Something called the Mermaid Game was Geordan from Newton’s favorite, and Brett enjoyed the Singing Shroughers, a musical duo formed by brothers Timothy and Jacob Schrag, Summer Staffers. Unable to make a more specific call, Deja and Evelyn, both from Newton, and Myra from Hesston simply said they liked, “Everything!”
Emilie, who just finished her third year as a program director, when asked why she does this job, responded, “Because it is Camp!” She went on to talk about how fun it was to watch the campers enjoy their time at Camp as well. She reported that campers were working up until the last minute to finish friendship bracelets. “They were like, ‘Mom, give me a minute.’” Emilie also said that the campers were very willing to adapt when things like weather forced changes in plans.
Summer Staffers Daniel and Edel agreed that this group of campers were fun and entertaining. “For example, a camper came up for seconds, then thirds, then more at breakfast - each time for more grape juice,” Daniel said. “I said to him something like ‘You sure like grape juice.” He responded, “Yeah, man. It is basically the blood of Christ.”
The final group of campers who will be at Camp Mennoscah this summer will be the Senior High group, who are slated to arrive at Camp on July 23. Keep them in your prayers - for safety and a fabulous time before they go back to school this fall.
Be sure to check out the rest of our Facebook page for lots of pictures of last week, and lots of pictures from other weeks at Camp this summer.