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Camp Report: Junior High 2, July 9-14

Tammy Duvanel Unruh

July 14, 2023

After taking a week off of our normal schedule so some staff could attend MennoCon ‘23 in Kansas City, Camp Mennonscah was back in full swing this week with our second week of Jr. High camp. Camp this week was led by Derek and Kara Klingenberg - directors who are known to lead a packed, action-filled week.


This week did not disappoint. Jr. High 2 was one of the larger weeks at Camp this summer with 58 campers in attendance. There was a full week of activities as well, including the usuals: River Play, Interest Groups, crafts, nature; but also the not-so-usual, including an interest group called “Not Kickball,” mentioned by Ana, a camper from Moundridge, as her favorite interest group and maybe activity of the week. Not Kickball seems to be a game where almost anything can happen and the rules are created as the game continues. A few pictures on our Facebook page would attest to this. Miles, from Kansas City, preferred the more traditional fishing interest group.


Lauren, a camper from Pretty Prairie, related that her favorite thing about the week was the “cool counselors,” while Esther, Prairie Village, reported that the best thing about the week was “meeting everyone, and getting to see people I already knew.” 


As we all know, last week featured some very hot days. The temperature and humidity reached season highs, and, perhaps because of this,  Camper Mykah from Newton said the pool was his favorite activity. At least a couple of times the campers were allowed “midnight swims” to help them cool down before bed. Another late night activity was something called “Pirates,” an interactive story/game that was a late-night activity produced by the staff and counselors. Camper Tatiana said this was her favorite part of the week.


Clint, a counselor from Newton, said he enjoyed the late night game of Persecution - an activity that allows players to experience in small what it might be like to be in a position of vulnerability based loosely on the persecution of the Anabaptists. Clint also enjoyed contributing random facts to the lunch time activities.


Daniel, Summer Staffer, commented that one of the highlights of this week was time with the Summer Staff;  that they had been able to manage, after a week of being apart or doing things away from what has become their normal routine, some time to reconnect. 


Be sure to check out the pictures on Facebook for Derek and Kara’s week! Next week is Junior 2 - don’t miss the fun!


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