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Camp Report:  Pre-Junior 2, June 25-29, 2023

Unruh, Tammy Duvanel

June 30, 2023

Program Directors Jeffery Graber and Hope Graber led the staff and campers at Pre-Junior Camp, June 25-29, at Camp Mennoscah. 42 campers, who will be 4th and 5th graders next school year, attended, and, along with the nurse, the cooks, the Summer Staff, and, of course, the counseling staff, had a great week on the river!


Speaking of the river, River Play is the special time during the week when the campers and staff walk down to the sandbar for an hour or so together in the river. Tuesday evening offered a wonderful evening in the water. The weather was perfect, the wind was fairly quiet, and the sun on the water was gorgeous. Several campers and staff reported it as a highlight of the week. Pictures can be found on the Camp Mennoscah Facebook site - be sure to check them out!


June, a camper from Newton, answered the question of the best part of the week as “singing.” Other popular answers included, along with the aforementioned River Play, recreational activities, and the food. Making Friendship Bracelets, according to Amelia, camper from Wichita, was also an activity of note. 


Unexpected issues made a traditional hayrack ride scheduled for Wednesday rec time impossible, so the campers took an extra swim session - which was welcomed on the hot day that Wednesday was. Lincoln, camper from Hesston, insisted that “extra swimming for rec” was the best part of the entire week!.


Program Director Hope commented that, “This is the third year that I have done Input for this age group, and I love how their comments and interaction with the teaching changes and gets deeper through the week. And this group became great singers as well.” This was echoed by another staffer, who said she had appreciated listening to the kids sing, especially the night they held the nightly campfire under the shelter because of the weather. “You can hear them sing in a different way. It was really nice.”


It was really nice - all of it! See you next year, PreJuniors!!


As mentioned before, there are lots of pictures of Camp can be found on Facebook. And continue to watch this space for more Camp Reports as the summer continues. 


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